Spirit of the Arctic | Destination Nunavut
Spirit of the Arctic
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The Spirit of our People

The Spirit of the Arctic lives within us

Nunavut is a place with modern people living modern lives in an ancient environment - the Arctic - that offers the same challenges it has for centuries. It is a place that combines 21st century ideas, technology and society with the mindset and pace that Inuit have always adapted to suit the challenges that the environment around them has posed.

Nunavut is a place for restless and adventurous souls to come find solace in the grandeur of the world around them. Inuit have always been nomadic, and though many now live in settled communities, they remain thoughtful, well informed guides with intimate knowledge of the land they have traversed their whole lives. Holding the same core values of their ancestors, Inuit have only in the last 60 years moved away from completely traditional lives, in part, due to the remoteness of the Arctic. 

Inuit culture is a culture steeped in the necessity to work together to ensure the safety and survival of others. And so, despite a noticeable difference in outlook and perception of the world, visitors can be sure to experience curious and genuine engagement with local people.