Beluga | Destination Nunavut
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The beluga whale is common throughout Nunavut, especially in the Kivalliq and Baffin Region. You can look out from the shoreline and see them by the thousands. These curious and playful creatures are sometimes called “Sea Canaries” for the playful sounds that they emit. Beluga draw many larger predators, and in places where you see these whales you will find polar bears and orcas that are drawn to their pods. These dangers for beluga make them congregate around shallow water, allowing for relative easy viewing and photography. 

Communities surrounding Hudson’s Bay, Cumberland Sound, Foxe Basin and Baffin Island, as well as some high arctic locations around Resolute are all ideal for Beluga viewing. Summer and fall are usually the best times of the year, and Outfitters can provide you personalized trips to interact with these wonderful animals.